Structural Durability + Rehabilitation
Expert structural durability assessment and best-value-long-term solutions for new builds, repair and rehabilitation of structures.
GRIT Engineering carries out durability assessments to identify weaknesses and risks for new build, rehabilitation and repair projects. With extensive experience in durability of concrete and steel structures, pipelines and bridges, we specialise in developing solutions that balance short term investment with future maintenance challenges and costs, based on your needs.
Working closely with you, we can help extend the life of plant, equipment, structures and civil assets by designing and project managing fit for purpose solutions that suit the required service life of the asset, and tenable risk of failure. Our focus is on resolving issues with minimal economical and operational impact, and minimal risk to the environment or people’s safety.
Our Durability and Rehabilitation Specialists offer expertise in:
- Below ground services and infrastructure, including drainage systems and pipelines.
- Concrete and steel structures, including jetties, process equipment and plants, storage tanks, industrial and commercial buildings.
- Durability assessments of our own and other engineers’/architects’ designs, to determine likely maintenance issues, schedules and costs, and add value with improvements to designs.
- Developing scopes, specifications and quality control packages for new build, maintenance or rehabilitation projects.
- Reviewing and providing guidance on B2 durability clause under the building code.
- Corrosion assessments of existing steel and concrete structures, piping and process equipment (including internal) to predict deterioration rates and timeframes before structures or assets become unserviceable, and develop asset management plans and budgets.
- Providing expert witness service to clients where durability issues have resulted in court cases.